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Recent Comments

  1. about 15 years ago on In the Bleachers

    Merely a flesh wound!!

  2. about 15 years ago on Eek!

    I agree with Hugh…why choose. Pick and choose what you like. Too much weight is given to picking one over the other. If I want to see Klingons I watch ST…if I want to see Vader I watch SW. If I want to see hot cyber babes I watch Battlestar…

  3. about 15 years ago on Watch Your Head

    Oh Mr. Willllllsoooon….I have something for you….

  4. about 15 years ago on Ink Pen

    I thought for sure that gizmo had OnStar

  5. about 15 years ago on Watch Your Head

    Hey! Who took the kitchen knife?

    Not Me! I swear it was Not Me!!

  6. about 15 years ago on FoxTrot Classics

    Now THAT’S a fire!

  7. over 15 years ago on Ink Pen

    Goes by the nickname, King of Beer

  8. over 15 years ago on New Adventures of Queen Victoria

    Queenie flies in her crown sometimes up and sometimes down But she never ever ever stands pat when it comes to passing a flying hat!

  9. over 15 years ago on Watch Your Head

    That was probably the worst comment I’ve read in a quite a long while. I know a couple gay couples and they are great parents….get the hate out.

  10. over 15 years ago on In the Bleachers

    Way to bring the crowd down…..