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I know the feeling Calvn. I’ve turned tv off for evening and feel so desolate.
Santa’s not buying it kiddo.
Don’t grow up Calvin. It’s very over rated.
It’s tough life Calvin. Glad you have Hobbes!!
I love angelic Hobbes (first & last panels) vs. Calvin meltdown and tirade through it all. Lordy i miss this strip.
Didn’t upset dad as much as his folks were when he did the anatomically correct snow people.
Poor Calvin. Hobbes does insist on truth and logic so often.
Of course with his claws Hobbes can get down but who’s going to alert someone on behalf of Calvin? Going to get cold and hungry up there Cal!
Understood Hobbes. My cat(s) refuse to catch a mouse unless I promise to kill, skin, fillet and cook it for them.
I know the feeling Calvn. I’ve turned tv off for evening and feel so desolate.