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  1. about 16 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    thanks mivins - for defending me in my absence!! as said, no offence meant, language is a funny thing isn’t it, I didn’t see JonD’s comment so not quite sure what offence was taken, but no issues there eh?. so long as we all enjoy the strip.

  2. about 16 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    it doesn’t really matter what you lot think of uncle max… he’s not gonna be coming back, I read ages ago that Bill watterson didn’t get on with him, because he never wanted to give calvin’s parents names, there were only so many ways max can talk to his brother (like yesterday’s strip, “nice kid bro”) without using a name…..

    on a personal level, i’d never noticed before, but he doesn’t half “date” the strip, calvin % hobbes are timeless…. that shirt max is wearing…..not so timeless.