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  1. over 13 years ago on JumpStart

    OK here’s something about what WAS in the strip today. I always thought of Marcie as anything but an airhead who would go online "like"ing things she did not know about, so it seemed out of character. But maybe it adds some breadth to her character. They are all a great family. In the current e-tmosphere of electronic communication, I bet many otherwise sensible people do stuff like that.

  2. about 16 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Wiley may be aware that Danae’s recent jag is not as prepostrous as it may sound to non-mathematicians. Not one myself, still I appreciate their craft, and it is one of their time-honored approach to thorny problems. You can see some of the 11 thousand examples found by google for this process, in which mathematicians ASSUME THE SOLUTION to their problem has a certain form, then just find the right numbers to plug in, just like Danae. http://tinyurl.com/dnx5kv