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donnapell Free

Recent Comments

  1. 10 months ago on Betty

    ?? I think the son is just Junior. I’ve never heard him called Bud.

  2. 10 months ago on Betty

    You’re right. They were Bub (not Bud as many assume) and Betty Slug. Bub was a maintenance man for the High Level Bridge waterfall.

  3. 10 months ago on Pickles

    Hmmm…well, I sure laughed. A comic strip will make you do that.

  4. about 1 year ago on Pearls Before Swine

    ?? Of course , landlines can have caller ID. We’ve had caller ID for 40+ years, long before anyone heard the term ‘smart phone’.

  5. about 1 year ago on Pickles

    Why not?????

  6. about 1 year ago on Baldo

    In a comic trip, it is……

  7. about 1 year ago on The Barn

    Hey, Horatio needed a breath of fresh air……and that kid moves FAST! :)

  8. about 1 year ago on Betty

    Don’t see Bub or Betty wearing any watch…..what sparked this comment?

  9. over 1 year ago on Betty

    Why not?

  10. over 1 year ago on Betty
