As my English is not good (if it were in French or Italian, there would be no problem), I used the TRADUKKA, to explain what I put yesterday.
If you want to represent in Roman numerals “10000” and then number them from “1”, you put an – (line) above the “X”, not the “M”. In Latin it is called DECEM.
Si quieren representar en números romanos “10000” para luego numerarlos desde el “1”, se pone una – (línea) encima del “X”, no de la “M”. En latín se llama DECEM.
As my English is not good (if it were in French or Italian, there would be no problem), I used the TRADUKKA, to explain what I put yesterday.
If you want to represent in Roman numerals “10000” and then number them from “1”, you put an – (line) above the “X”, not the “M”. In Latin it is called DECEM.