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  1. almost 16 years ago on The Flying McCoys

    Nozzi and Burgundy2, you have NOT gotten the point. It’s the 3 little pigs in the last house – the one made of BRICK – that the big bad wolf could NOT blow down and get the pigs in the end. Yet here, it’s implied that according to the extremist fear-mongering of the anti-liberty (THAT’S the plug Anthony 2816) anti-smokers a puff of cigarette smoke at a closed window will do the trick.

    At first I didn’t get what it was either. As a smokers’ rights advocate I’m always on guard for attack. But then I beamed when I realized it was ridiculing the anti-smokers who’ll have you believe that if you stood on an Alp in Switzerland and smoked a cigarette, you’d kill some poor defenseless kiddie in Cleveland.