Badass uncle sam

hawgowar Free

Recent Comments

  1. 26 minutes ago on Steve Breen

    Nuclear power. Stop the kumbaya and build reactors. Cheap power, no co2. With today’s technology, quite safe. Storage of spent fuel safe if you pimp slap the activists.

  2. 31 minutes ago on Arlo and Janis

    I guess. Impressive noise, pretty smelly, too. Line workers said it was in excess of 10 thousand volts. Dunno the amperage, bit it instantly vaporized most of the animal.

  3. 3 days ago on Arlo and Janis

    Behind my house in the alley ran city primary lines. A squirrel, we think, got shorted across lines and there was a sound like a 105mm field piece firing. Power out in half the city. All that was found of said bushy tailed varmint was some singed fur and a charred tail that resembled a burnt stick. The rest was probably exploded into fine ash or catapulted into low orbit. Blast shook the houses within 2 blocks of the short. Power was out for 4 hours.

  4. 3 days ago on Steve Breen

    No. I took a minor in meteorology and we learned climatology. You can look up the mean cretacious temps on Wiki and various other reference sites. We’re just now re-approaching the Maunder maximums. We are still in a glacial period. As for temps, talk with a paleoclimatologist as I have. The sun is a wee bit hotter. We’re approaching the flipping of the magnetic poles which will increase absorbed solar radiation. Our magnetic field is weakening in preparation for the flip.

    There are scads of data points that go into climate. Don’t just look at temperatures. One wobble in the earth’s axis and the Sahara can go back to the green rainforest it used to be.

    We’re just tiny creatures after all.

  5. 4 days ago on Steve Breen

    We used to cook eggs for fun on black car hoods in Columbus, Ohio in the very early 60s.

    We are still below the heat levels of the cretacious. Did dinosaurs drive SUVs 80 million years ago?

    That we are warming is not the issue. It is the cause. We are just ending an ice age. It will get warmer. When it stops, look out for the ice age to return. Will climate alarmists then blame the ice age on fossil feels, too?.

  6. about 1 month ago on Jen Sorensen

    I can’t be racist. Ask Jesse Jackson and AL Sharpton. Only Caucasians can be racists. I’m Native American.

  7. about 1 month ago on Henry Payne

    Outstanding. Yellow Submarine.

  8. about 2 months ago on Scott Stantis

    Read The Cyberiad by Stanislaw Lem. One of the stories was “Trul’s Electronic Bard”.

  9. about 2 months ago on Henry Payne

    Lost me on this one.

  10. about 2 months ago on Jen Sorensen

    That’s like calling drug dealers “undocumented pharmacists”, isn’t it?