While not all laundries are run by Vietnamese, or even, more broadly, Asians, many certainly are. We have one a couple of miles from our home, so I don’t consider the portrayal of the laundry proprietor as Asian to be stereotypical.
It’s just a quirk of the calendar this year. A fixed-date holiday—Inauguration Day is always January 20th—coincides with a holiday whose date floats—MLK Day, which is the third Monday of January (though his actual birthday is January 15th). This has nothing to do with Trump.
I remember driving over the George Washington Bridge, on the way to Pennsylvania, back in the ‘70s sometime, and there was a speed limit sign on the bridge in km/hr. with a small sign under it reading “Think Metric.” I think that was the only metric road sign I ever saw in the United States. When I lived in Buffalo for a couple of years, we used to go to Canada regularly—no passport needed back in the ’70s—and they’d already converted, so I got used to speed limits in km/hr. and buying gas by the liter (it was cheaper in Canada than in the States back then).
I’m enjoying this arc, but homeowners’ association (plural) should have the apostrophe after the s; it wouldn’t be much of an association with only one homeowner.
Well, it looks like bigcatrik was right. No weeklies. Come on, GC, post the older dailies again.