My late kitty was also a pate lover, but only if I didn’t give her the same flavor two days in a row. And even then she could be a picky little snit, I one time gave her salmon and she raised a fuss until I got up and gave her chicken instead (don’t ask me how, but I just knew that’s what she was whining about).
When I was a teenager, my friend slipped into a well as we were skiing together. She was upright so not in immediate danger, but had no way of getting out. I had to ski down to the next lift and have them call the ski patrol to come pull her out. We were off the main slope, so if I hadn’t been there, it’s possible nobody would have found her. Always always ALWAYS ski with a buddy.
I’m aware of that. And I’m saying that she needs to take into account the time period those old masters who loved hanging around nude women lived in. After all, I’m not aware of any new masters Arlo could have referenced instead, are you?
My kitty was edging onto 20 years old, I figured she deserved some spoiling at that point.