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yaakovashoshana Free

Recent Comments

  1. about 18 hours ago on Peanuts

    I think Sally has Ordinal Linguistic Personification Synesthesia. (Google is your friend, kids. It’s a fun rabbit hole.)

  2. 20 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Any time an outside door has been opened, I always do nose count to make sure The Gentlemen Gatos (Tuxedo boys, Sir Jasper Goodkitty and Master Onyx Serendipity) are present and accounted for.

  3. 21 days ago on Breaking Cat News
    Happy ending or not, I don’t like pussycats in peril. Ever. Not even a little bit.
  4. 21 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I really don’t like this story line. My nagging fear is that the apartment maintenance men will leave one of the doors open and my boys will get scared and bolt. (They’re both chipped, but it doesn’t make one iota of difference.)

  5. 25 days ago on Flo and Friends

    We don’t need a fountain of youth. We’ve got plenty of youth. What we really need is a fountain of smart.

  6. about 1 month ago on Frazz

    “tubes of concentrated nasty” That’s the most apt and evocative description I’ve heard in a long time.

  7. 2 months ago on Nest Heads

    My mother never counted. I don’t think she knew how. I did what I was told, when I was told, or I got introduced to the business end of a peach tree switch.

  8. 4 months ago on Frazz

    The top of Mt. Everest is called the Death Zone. At 26,000 feet the body starts to die, cell by cell of oxygen deprivation. Over 300 people have died trying to reach the summit of Everest, and some of their bodies are used as trail markers by the living.

  9. 5 months ago on Peanuts

    O/0 is the bane of programmers everywhere.

  10. 5 months ago on Peanuts

    I have it myself. Since I was a small child, I have viewed numerals, letters, days of the week and months of the year as either male or female and/or having personalities. For example, I think of 2 and 5 as masculine, but 3 and 4 are feminine. Eight is feminine, but grumpy. Monday is female, but Friday is male. June and July are masculine, but August is feminine. Of all the forms of synesthesia, this one is probably the most useless. One form allows people to hear musical notes as colors. Some people with perfect pitch probably have this form of synesthesia. I think my grandmother may have had a form of synesthesia where she associated odors with color. The family laughed when she said, “I smell red paint,” but she might have been telling the truth as her brain perceived it. The many different types of synesthesia are a fascinating read.