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  1. over 14 years ago on Annie

    Thanks, Jay and Ted.

  2. almost 15 years ago on Annie

    Once no paper is paying for this strip, what economical justification would there be for its continued production just for online viewers on free-access sites?

    In plain English, who would pay Maeder and Slampyak to continue working on it?

  3. almost 15 years ago on Annie

    There’s not enough time to tie up all the loose plotlines…! :s

  4. almost 15 years ago on Annie

    Floyd H. and Ray C -

    Prince Valiant is now (very newly) available also at


  5. almost 15 years ago on Annie

    leakysqueaky712 said:

    Amazing, one minute she’s cocky the next minute she’s defeated.


    It’s possible that Connie still didn’t know that the PI was found dead, and she was the murder suspect, at that point.

  6. almost 15 years ago on Annie

    Annie’s conversational gamut in this strip covers the whole variety of Sandy’s “Arf”s. :p

  7. almost 15 years ago on Annie

    Hmmm… methinks Connie is being built up as the star here, so that when her legal troubles catch up with her, Daddy will have to come to her rescue to avoid getting his hotel dragged into a scandal. Heh.

  8. almost 15 years ago on Annie

    I expect the next development (or one of them, the way these storylines keep going all over the map) :p will be the lawyers of the old man’s estate contacting Connie to testify against the scammers…

  9. almost 15 years ago on Annie

    scbaguru said, about 8 hours ago

    Okay. What Happens in the “real” granddaughter shows up? Should be interesting.


    Not gonna happen, I reckon. The way the two old bags are acting, my feeling is they actually already murdered the girl, in order to usurp her place as heiresses - but they weren’t counting on their uncle wanting to see her again. Connie had better watch out she doesn’t get similarly disposed of.

    And I also agree the old man probably has a message to pass on, that might tie in with the Blue Circle or some other ongoing storyline.

  10. almost 15 years ago on Annie

    scbaguru said, Ollie is already married to that old woman in Russia…


    And speaking of Russia, where we also met our old friend Dessinay again… wasn’t HE actually the one who kindly took this “lady” off Ollie’s hands the last time they all met?!

    Always wondered how he got rid of her… :D