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  1. about 17 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    I didn’t think Trump would show up. I thought he would find some excuse and bail out before show time. I wonder if he had some inside information that Joe was worn out by too much prep. He looked too confident from the beginning.

  2. about 17 hours ago on Matt Wuerker

    In my opinion, Kamala has not had an opportunity to show her stuff. Keep her on the ticket? I’d vote for her as VP again, or even for president, but but she has not been prominent like Biden was with Obama.

  3. about 20 hours ago on Matt Wuerker

    It’s time to bring in a relief pitcher, a young one who has been active doing his job, Mayor Pete? Budajudge has smarts, speaks well, has been effective cleaning up messes made by others.

  4. about 20 hours ago on Dana Summers

    I think maybe he was worn out by too much preparation.

  5. about 20 hours ago on Mike Luckovich

    Another anti-federal regulation decision, again ignoring years of precedent. Are they trying to clean up before the election? Must be. The billionaires win again.

  6. about 20 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    Biden is a better man in every way, but he wasn’t at his best last night, not even close. Part of being president is being up to the task when needed. I will be voting for Biden if he is on the ballot, but I’m hoping for a replacement.

  7. 3 days ago on Bill Bramhall

    Although the country was in pretty good shape under Obama after a slow recovery from the Bush-induced recession (not enough fiscal stimulus), the orange excrement raged that everything was bad and that only he could fix it. So he cut taxes for the super rich and corporations, added 8 Trillion to the deficit and let more than 100 million American’s die from Covid through denial, mismanagement, and wishing it would just go away. When a vaccine did appear as if by a miracle (actually a lot of hard work by capable scientists and medical experts) the guy who was supposed to be fixing things actually poo-pood using the drug and made it a political partisan issue. I wonder how many millions will die if the convicted rapist, liar in chief, wanna-be dictator gets elected again.

  8. 4 days ago on Robert Ariail

    I opined at the proposal for a debate that the loser would figure out some way to drop out saying it was rigged, or unfair to him to have to follow ANY rules. He is a bulls*itter, not a debater. He can’t focus on a topic, and would show just how unfit he is in any kind of debate. And any accusation he makes against someone else is simply projection — he’d do it, so obviously his opponent would, too.

  9. 5 days ago on Jeff Danziger

    As of April 2023, Trump can be credited with about 104 MILLION covid deaths due to his denial, mismanagement, and avoidance of responsibility.

  10. 6 days ago on Clay Bennett

    I’m still betting the orange excrement will bail out of the debate because he has a gag order, or the rules are unfair to him, or any number of reasons. Or, he realizes he will make a fool of himself without a teleprompter to help him stay on topic. He has lost it and he knows he will be showing it to the whole world.