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  1. over 15 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    envoyram says:

    trickle down economics=voodoo economics H. W. Bush While he was running against Reagan for the nomination, Bush the elder called Reagan’s economic policies voodoo economics.

    News flash, Bush was wrong. Under Reagans, voodoo economics, is responsible for the largest gains in median income of the middle class, in history. Without these ‘voodoo economics’, there wouldn’t be a middle class.

  2. over 15 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    Dale Hopsen asks about the Reagan years, and how he, supposedly was responsible for the mess we are in today. HELLO!! It was Jimmy Carter, and the Democrats, with their fillibuster proof congress, and senate, that started us on this path by enacting, environmental, and animal rights legislation which is destroying this nation today. If it wasn’t for Reagan, there would be no middle class. The Dems, have rewritten history, because they don’t want people knowing the truth.

  3. over 15 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    It appears to me, that Obama, is carrying a problem he helped create, since he was in the Senate, and helped pass legislation, that is causing our problems. And unless he is superman, he couldn’t read all of the 11,000+ pages of legislation he signed. I wonder what other hooks are in it, that will cause even bigger problems. You don’t sign a contract unless you have read it all the way through. He didn’t do that. So much for intellect.