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  1. over 15 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    trickle down economics=voodoo economics H. W. Bush While he was running against Reagan for the nomination, Bush the elder called Reagan’s economic policies voodoo economics. Exactly what they were, they performed magic for the upper class economy and turned the rest of the country’s finances into zombies only able to exist, never able to really live, but not totally dead either.Until now when the magic has disappeared and virtually everybodies finances have or are dying(oh except for the ones at the top who CAN STILL AFFORD THE WITCH DOCTOR.)

  2. over 15 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    First, many of you need to look up the definition of anti-semitism.

    Second,Dredpiraterobts, before you proclaim Israel’s divine right for having been there for “3000 years” you might want to read a little history. Might I suggest “The Wrath of Jonah: The Crisis of Religous Nationalism in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.” If you read the first ten pages of the first chapter it will gige you a brief and unbiased overview of exactly who has ruled that area and when since 2800 B.C.E.

    Third, all this discussion about rockets out of Gaza, I just have five more words to say: Israelis; bulldozers; houses; olive trees.