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  1. almost 11 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    Americans pay 80% more than the rest of the G8 for medical care as a percentage of GDP. That $800 billion or so goes to the one percent who own the medical care industry. It is not much of a surprise that they are having their stooges in the Republican Party work so hard to shut Obamacare down. What do Americans have to show for all that money? 40th place in average life expectancy and 33rd place for infant mortality, up there with Bosnia and Slovenia. If the rest of the developed world can insure their populations for 10.5 % of GDP, WTF is the matter with the USA?

  2. almost 11 years ago on Jeff Danziger

    This is the lady who talks to God. Surely her fellow Republicans will rally to her support.

  3. almost 11 years ago on Glenn McCoy

    What about W’s trillion dollar war against those nonexistant WMDs? that he paid for with borrowed money when he was turning a surplus into a monstrous deficit?

  4. almost 11 years ago on Glenn McCoy

    The one trick pony cartoonist is at it again. You would think that given all the Washington foolishness going on that McCoy could find more than just Obama to vilify.

  5. almost 11 years ago on Stuart Carlson

    Americans pay around 80% more per year than the rest of the developed world for health care. It is about as much as the deficit. It goes to the one percenters who own the health care industry, the people who support their stooges in the Tea Party who are not going to let Obamacare damage their patrons’ rice bowl.

  6. almost 11 years ago on Matt Wuerker

    Americans pay 80% more for health care as a percentage of GDP than the rest of the G8 who cover all their citizens. That 80% is equivalent to your deficit. It is money that goes to your one percenters and their Republican stooges in congress are not about to let Obamacare spoil things for them.

  7. almost 11 years ago on Henry Payne

    Americans pay 80% more for health care as a percentage of GDP than the rest of the G8 who cover 100% of their populations. That extra 80 percent goes to the 1 percenters in the USA. There is no way that their stooges in the Republican Party will let the ACA do its thing with that much money at stake (enough to cover the budget deficit).

  8. almost 11 years ago on Chan Lowe

    As George Carlin said, the longer the name of the drink the bigger the ****hole.

  9. almost 11 years ago on Paul Szep

    Americans pay 80% more than the rest of the G8 for their medical care. If the USA had Canada’s or France’s medicare it would not have a deficit. Have you ever wondered where that 80% goes? It goes to the one percenters who own the American medical system, the same guys who keep the Republican rice bowl full.

  10. almost 11 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    How did this guy ever get a job as a cartoonist? Obama’s nose is wider than his head.