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edwinpope13 Free

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Recent Comments

  1. over 15 years ago on Annie

    it would be nice if they would just sick to one story and run with it for a chang.

  2. almost 16 years ago on Annie
    I think Mr. Warbucks will be heading back to the states in the naer fucher
  3. almost 16 years ago on Annie

    In other words


  4. almost 16 years ago on Annie
    It back to square onee for Annie. And with her strang history, that is not always a good thing stay tune, of things is about to pick up.
  5. almost 16 years ago on Annie

    I bet now she wish she had sayed in that hospital.

  6. almost 16 years ago on Annie

    This is an answer to a question on sunday.

    Mr Sarr who was the person who was in chared of the Little orphhan Annie comic strip in the 70’s Drop the title becuse he felt it was no longer nessariy to have it. espeally seen the broadway showe was such a big hit and did not have the name little orphan in the title.

  7. almost 16 years ago on Annie

    So Much of being a concern citizen.

  8. almost 16 years ago on Heathcliff

    It is nices to see that Heatcliff is sill aroud, even if is only a once a week comic.

  9. almost 16 years ago on Garfield

    Funny indeed. and yet, i really do feel sorry for jon. why can garfield cut him some slack?

  10. almost 16 years ago on Annie

    form one adventuer to the naxes.I like to see how Little orphan Annie get her self out of this. espeally seen there really onone around to help her.