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  1. over 15 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    In re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays:

    I don’t understand what all of the fuss is about over saying Happy Holidays. I celebrate Christmas, and yet at work I say Happy Holidays to customers. I’m not at risk of being fired over it, but I live in an area with a large Jewish population and I grew up in an area with a large Muslim population. After a few Merry Christmas slip-ups and getting shrugs as responses I was embarrassed enough to switch up to Happy Holidays.

    Not everyone in the US celebrates Christmas, folks. It’s not about “conforming” to the main religion of the country, because no matter what you try to think, there’s not one here. It’s just a fact that eventually you’ll encounter someone who’s doing Hannukkah shopping instead and look at you like you’re an idiot. How is your expectation that everyone should celebrate Christmas different than someone “taking away” the holiday from you?

  2. over 15 years ago on Heart of the City

    Also he was PEERING INTO HOUSES, which can also be construed as creepstery.

  3. over 15 years ago on Heart of the City

    @Ushindi Trust me, as a 24 year old I can speak for myself and most of my friends when I say that I’d be much more likely to be interested in Dylan wandering down my street than the Jonas Brothers — and frankly, I find it a bit creepy when anyone older than 10th grade or so gets too into a Disney band. Anyway, what does my age group have to do with a comic strip about grade schoolers?

    Also, I don’t think they had no idea who Bob Dylan was. I think they just didn’t believe him, which is probably fair given that he wasn’t carrying ID.

  4. almost 16 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    ewennick says:

    Joe - it’s ORIENTED. Not ORIENTATED. For the love of the English language! (or whatever is left of it after Textspeak and gangsta rap has gotten through with it.)

    Ewen, you’re really going to slam someone’s English skills on a typo when you can’t be arsed to use the proper conjugation of “to have”?