1 5 2005 1

shirttailslim Free

Born 1931, San Francisco, CA. I was reading some of these strips when I was barely able to read. 520-882-8437 Hope you call! Floyd Haxton 1501 N. Oracle Rd Apt. 1226 Tucson, AZ 85705

Recent Comments

  1. almost 10 years ago on Benitin y Eneas

    Good day, gentle folks. Will ye be lifting a wee bit of your favorite beverage in honor of the blessed Saint Patrick? There are more Irish in this country on this day, than there will be any other day in the year. Happy Saint Patty’s day.everyone. P.S. Doesn’t have to be alcoholic.

  2. almost 10 years ago on Benitin y Eneas

    Just finished watching this Sunday’s Man From U.N.C.L.E. and then"Mission Impossible". L. Nimoy was in both of them. GOOD MORNING, VAGABONDS.’Eight days, and D.S.T. Get my GC an hour earlier. Aridsona doesn’t do Daylight Saving ‘time.March also brings Spring, but I’ll believe it when I see it.

  3. almost 10 years ago on Benitin y Eneas

    Good morning, Vagabonds. My Saturday evenings are about the past. On tv that is. 5: and 5"30 is two Adventures of Superman. Then comes two halves 6:00 and 6"30. 8"00 is Wonder Woman and 9"00 is Star Trec. After that I do, or watch, whatever. At 12:00 I watch Lost In Space, and I was lucky enough to catch the first episode, and have only miss one or two since then. No, I still don’t have cable nor intend to get it.I do promise to look in at times now. You all stay well.

  4. almost 10 years ago on Benitin y Eneas

    I just got a notice from my friend, Brian Kenny Fresno, that my friends on Gocomices were worryed about me? While I am slowed down more, I am still around. Almost never get out. Don’t spend much time on face Book any more, either. I’m aware of you, though. Leonard Nimoy and I were the same age. I will be watching, as I do every Saturday, Star Trek, the original shows. Guess I need to give my “fans” a shout out now and then. I’ll try to remember, which isn’t always easy these days. B.K. Fresno is a musician friend of mine, and has been for more than two decades. I thanked him for telling me about my gocomic friends. Let’s all hope Spring gets itself started soon!

    Shirttail Slim aka Floyd Haxton

  5. over 10 years ago on Adam@Home

    Not a lot of anticipation there?

  6. over 10 years ago on Benitin y Eneas

    But then, this is Ari(d)zona.

  7. over 10 years ago on Benitin y Eneas

    I believe that today’s B.C. pretty much says it all. I went for years without a TV and, after the past few months, I kinda wished I hadn’t got one. I don’t remember ever listening to a mid-term election war of words, but it got to where I had to hit mute when the ads started. Never heard so much mud slinging and out-right lies before. Wish I could go back to Shirttail Creek and live the rest of my life there instead of in “Civilization?” Okay, Rant finished.

  8. over 10 years ago on Benitin y Eneas

    I stay up late watching OLD TV programs (sometimes til 3 or 4 in the morning. So I of course get up late. I go look in the mirror to see if I’m there and ready to waste another day, or at least what’s left of it in front of this computer. Turn ninety degrees right at 3:30 and turn the TV on to watch Jeopardy.Anyhow, I’m still waking up every day.

  9. over 10 years ago on Alley Oop

    Oh, and if it’s so bad, why the heck are you here???

  10. over 10 years ago on Alley Oop

    I find all the B.S. pretty darn boring. Did any of you read the strip today. Did nobody notice that the bone in Oola’s hair changed sides. Sound to me like there are a bunch of talking heads arguing about nothing.