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  1. almost 14 years ago on Gasoline Alley

    Passbook? Is Scancarelli recycling strips from 1973? And when Slim is the literary scholar in town, what does that say?

  2. about 14 years ago on Gasoline Alley

    I want to know who Gertie thinks she’s talking to.

  3. about 14 years ago on Gasoline Alley

    I appreciate the helpful footnote.

  4. about 14 years ago on Gasoline Alley

    I’ve always heard this as a joke about drummers. Here’s another one: “How do you get a drummer off your porch? Pay him for the pizza.”

  5. over 14 years ago on Gasoline Alley

    I wish you folks would take the political discussions somewhere else. This is a forum for discussion of a comic strip, not an outpost of the Tea Party or Common Ground, both of which are extremely obnoxious to me (though I know where my sympathies lie, I’m not going to share it with you here).

  6. over 14 years ago on Gasoline Alley

    “Dad’s on his deathbed. Hey, let’s go find that rare old baseball card of his, sell it and split the money!”

  7. over 14 years ago on Gasoline Alley

    This being Gasoline Alley, he’ll live to be 115.

  8. over 14 years ago on Gasoline Alley

    Is Hitchcock directing the strip today?

  9. over 14 years ago on Gasoline Alley

    Repeat to yourself three times, slowly, “It’s a comic strip…”

  10. over 14 years ago on Gasoline Alley

    Today’s strip is actually funny…