Adipositivity 273b

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  1. almost 15 years ago on The Boondocks

    LOL! Good one pbarnrob. “Pot calling the kettle…” was one of my mother’s favorite sayings.

  2. almost 15 years ago on Cul de Sac

    Alice is so cute. Alice and Ruthie remind me of my daughter when she was in grade school. When she was in kindergarten her teacher told her she couldn’t sing in the restroom because the whole school could hear her. Restrooms with tiled walls and floors have a lot of echo.

  3. about 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    Nemesys, what you said is so true.

    I wasn’t a “chunky woman” in high school but I am now. Some people can be rude no matter what age you are. It doesn’t happen often but I have had some nasty comments directed at me since I left high school.My oldest daughter was a “chunky woman” In high school and still is. It was heartbreaking for me to know she had to deal with mean people. I made a point of letting her know there are lots of people who are kindhearted and don’t judge others physical appearance with rudeness and mean jokes. Fortunately she has become a very confident and happy young woman. It may have helped for her to know her step-father thinks I’m attractive and loves me just the way I am.

    I know its just a cartoon. But GT doe’s deal with some very sensitive, thought provoking subjects. Its interesting to read the comments and know what other people have to say.

  4. about 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    Joe-Allen said

    “Why is the stout-looking woman talking to Melissa thinking she looks sexier in a war zone when her uniform looks just like the ones the chunky men wear?”

    Are you saying the uniform makes her look like a “chunky” man? In panel four GT shows that the uniform doe’s not hide her breasts. Even if the uniform hid that fact the soldiers she’s serving with know she’s a woman.

    Melissa’s friend knows soldiers in war zones are lonely and missing intimate relationships. She says “Back home, we’re fives, sixes.” She knows the arbitrary rating system used by some people may change the number they rate someone depending on the situation, like the “dark bar at closing time” scenario.

    If Melissa’s friend were a real person I would want her to know there are men who find chunky women attractive in any situation and she may even find one who would honestly rate her a nine.

  5. over 15 years ago on Lio

    OMG! Very creepy. This reminds me of the David Tennant Doctor Who episode Fear Her. GEE1A also “Night Gallery”