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Recent Comments

  1. 18 days ago on Drabble

    Duck? I dont see a duck. All I see is a rare South American parrot that takes on the characteristics of a duck to avoid predators.

  2. 20 days ago on Wizard of Id

    But you have to admit, Jack (and his friends) do provide good entertainment for the rest of us.

  3. 21 days ago on The Flying McCoys

    If you become wealthy or run for political office, you still might, even if you never set eyes on her again.

  4. 28 days ago on Reality Check

    Right. And zombies are just trans-human, correct? It would be unfair to deny them what they want. Not your brain, of course, others should offer theirs.

  5. 28 days ago on The Flying McCoys

    Doubt if they own clothes like that. More likely just change to a different set of pajamas.

  6. 28 days ago on The Flying McCoys

    Work?!? Good one! Either that or must be a different demographic at your local Walmart.

  7. about 1 month ago on Garfield

    I watched a video of a sloth a while back. I imagine Garfield “running” would be about the same.

  8. about 1 month ago on Loose Parts

    Anybody can carry around a quiver full of streaks, but it’s knowing where to put them that makes them professionals. Although, I would hate to be the one to carry the non-convex polygons indicating a broken window.

  9. about 1 month ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    With that entitlement mentality? I doubt it, but at least he knows that Susie is a girl, so there is that.

  10. about 2 months ago on Rose is Rose

    So now I am one of ‘you people’. I dont pick the words that get used as current day vernacular, that’s for snowflakes to decide.I happen to be a guy with a name more frequently used for females (think Johnny Cash ‘A boy named Sue’, but not quite that bad). I learned to toughen up, become thick skinned and ignore what doesnt apply.Sorry for your friend. My advice is the same. If the Karen doesnt fit, then dont wear it.