“Oh and, by the way, there’s a mass of man eating rats around here somewhere. We don’t need to warn anybody, right? I mean, they just eat bad guys anyway…”
You know what would be fun? Instead of wrapping the story up, he takes the last day and presents the AWAC plane, the bad guy friends, the tow trucks for the flat tires, a rat trainer and a tornado all in the final panel. He could then walk away laughing while the new guys tried to work out a plausible ending.
Let’s see - known murderer, escaped restraint, announced intention to kill, completely alone .. nope, no justification to shoot there. bleeep that police manual!
So wait, does this mean that Sam and the chief have been standing at police headquarters discussing the weather for 36 straight hours? And no one’s gone to the bathroom in all that time either?
This is starting to resemble a deodorant commercial. Someone needs to wear theirs under the wrist.