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puddleglum1066 Free

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  1. about 5 hours ago on Super-Fun-Pak Comix

    Nader did not give us Bush; the Supreme Court (which stopped vote-counting in Florida for dubious and unconstitutional reasons while Bush was still leading; subsequent audits have shown that Gore almost certainly would have won if the Court had allowed all votes to be counted) and Al Gore (who first tried to distance himself from Bill Clinton’s success and then ran a lackluster campaign that allowed the Court to install Bush) did that.

  2. about 18 hours ago on Crankshaft

    Back in the late 40s, Ed was out on a hot date when his car got a flat. While he was fixing it, his naïve date rummaged around in the glove compartment and found his pack of Trojans. When Ed returned, she asked what they were. He stammered out, “They’re cigarette covers. They keep your smokes dry when it rains.” “Clever,” she said sticking one on her pocket.

    Next day she went to the drugstore and said, “Gimme a box of these!” The druggist did a double take, but collected himself and asked “What size?”

    “Oh, I don’t know,” she said. “Big enough to fit Camels!”

  3. 1 day ago on Crankshaft

    Because, like the readers of this strip, he’s crying “Help meeee…”

  4. 1 day ago on Crankshaft

    Horses wear pants?

  5. 1 day ago on Crankshaft

    With all the horse… waste that Batty’s been shoveling into this strip the last couple weeks, that fly’s still nowhere near big enough.

  6. 1 day ago on Crankshaft

    In defense of the fly… it’s not the insect’s fault that Ed smells like a rotting corpse.

  7. 2 days ago on Crankshaft

    I say, “If you hate a comic strip, don’t read it and post hateful comments.”

    Who says we hate this comic? You do. I’ve never said it. Indeed, if I “hated” this comic I wouldn’t read it (see, for instance “Luann”). This comic is like one of the cheesy movies shown on “MST3K,” a collection of straight lines just begging for punch lines. There are times I think Batiuk is in on the joke and deliberately creating fodder for the commenters. There’s a community here, creating the jokes that this strip so sorely lacks and having a great time laughing. C’mon, join us… we have cookies!

  8. 2 days ago on Crankshaft

    Nah. Skippy ain’t that dumb. When Batton finally figures out his “oops, my credit card was rejected; if you wanna continue telling me your story, you’ll have to pick up the check today” scam (20th day in a row Batton’s fallen for it so far), Skippy will write the actual story: three paragraphs, nine sentences, four column inches on page four. Right next to the ad for Jeppson’s Malört.

  9. 2 days ago on Crankshaft

    This freakin’ goofball sure remembers a lot of ran- dumb stuff from his special childhood.

    Fixed it for ya!

  10. 2 days ago on Crankshaft

    Tomorrow: Batton follows Skippy into the men’s room, and then into the stall, continuing to blather about komix komix komix.