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Recent Comments

  1. over 11 years ago on Loose Parts

    Have you considered an “Aid for the Aging Home” anytime soon ?

  2. almost 15 years ago on Tony Auth

    Someday People in general will realize that their behavior has consequences. Inconvenience or disrupt a large gathering in an unreasonable fashion and you should get the sh– kicked out of you … well maybe tasering is more humane.

    At any rate, if they don”t care, you can bet we don’t either.

  3. almost 15 years ago on Lalo Alcaraz

    Like all “real” situations, there is plenty on all sides to allow any peckerwood who chooses to support one point or the other.

    What is missing is “the reality of the times”. Here in the US we have raised a couple of generations of young adults who have been schooled (as opposed to educated) by the overwrought proponents of Haight-Ashbury from the 60s. 1) If it doesn’t feel good, it can’t be right 2) If we don’t agree with it, it can’t be right 3) If you don’t agree with us, wholeheartedly, you can’t be right. 4) Being RIGHT (our way) is not only EVERYTHING, it is the ONLY THING. 5) Shut up and get the Hell out of the way.

    From these humble observations you should conclude I support Arizona and its legislative rights and will. My reality parallels that of the morass in this respect; 1) If you don’t like it, shut up and get the Hell out of the way.

    Buenas Noches