No bio available
The TSA is a bunch of goons and bullies.
Oh, Christ. Why can’t you guys get over all of this “Christian” crap? L’Shana Tovah!
Looks like Nancy Grace will have to get another life.
If a couple get married in Arkansas and then move to West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee and back to Arkansas, are they still brother and sister?
The Afgans aren’t worth the sweat off my butt. Spend the money at home. Hire a Vet. Hire my son.
Women are EVIL!!!
“stan” at the end of a country’s name means “land of.”
When I was deployed to SE Asia, I would send my wife love letters. She is an English teacher so she would correct them in red and send them back.
This story arc has become really tedious.
God grant me patience, and I want it NOW!
The TSA is a bunch of goons and bullies.