23 asterix with sword

up2trixx Free

Recent Comments

  1. about 3 hours ago on Buni

    I make no such promises

  2. about 3 hours ago on Prickly City

    Trump will chicken out. He’ll come up with some excuse to make it look like he isn’t chickening out, probably try to place the blame on Biden or CNN, but he’s gonna chicken out.

  3. 3 days ago on AJ and Magnus

    Listening to that would make me angry and focused as well. I’d prefer something light, like Painkiller by Judas Priest

  4. 3 days ago on The Barn

    At my previous house I had built a really nice screened in gazebo (20 feet long, 16 wide) and in that gazebo I installed a screen and projector, with the idea that I would be able to watch movies outside on nice summer nights. The only problem with my plan was the late summer sunsets. At the solstice the sun doesn’t set until almost 9:30, ad it doesn’t get really dark until almost 10. Since a projector requires darkness it was no good – 10:00 is bedtime (yes, I’m old).

  5. 3 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Glad to see another Asterix fan! I’ve been reading those books my whole life! Uptotrix was actually the name of an innkeeper that tried to drug Asterix and Obelix in the Asterix and the Banquet book.

  6. 4 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    If I hear my cat doing the “step stomp hack” in the night it means I’d better watch my step in the morning

  7. 6 days ago on Luann Againn

    Years ago I bought an old farm house as an estate sale. The village it was in had an annual “75 mile yard sale”, so the first year we were in the house we decided to take part, setting up a few tables in front of the old barn.

    Hardly sold a thing off the tables, but customers cleaned out that barn! The old farmer ran a small engine repair shop, and there were dozens of old weed wackers, lawnmowers, chain saws, and the like that I hadn’t gotten around to taking to the dump. Turns out I didn’t have to!

  8. 7 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    And they say “Cheeseburger”!

  9. 10 days ago on Frazz

    I once bought a scratch ticket with my last dollar. That ticket won me $50. It was literally like winning the lottery.

  10. 10 days ago on Betty

    I love to read, but unfortunately carpal tunnel injuries make it painful to hold a large book. Thank God for E-readers