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garybrewer Free

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  1. almost 4 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    I didn’t have much trouble with Moderna, two to three degree fever for a day, sore arm really wasn’t anything like I feared

  2. about 4 years ago on Overboard

    Sure got mine too for next Tuesday, the day it’s snowing 14 inches and 40 mph winds, they have no rescheduling plans, surprise

  3. about 5 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    I’m up in New Hampshire and they’re already out, at least two months earlier than I’ve ever seen them come out

  4. over 5 years ago on Dogs of C-Kennel

    I’ve crate trained all four of my German Shepherds, none of them want it, all agree with me the couch is more comfortable

  5. over 8 years ago on Prickly City

    also in favor of a national sales tax, the more I watched the interview with him the less I thoughtthere was a third option with him

  6. over 8 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Ah, sort of like life.

  7. over 9 years ago on Overboard

    Luckily I don’t have this problem, my German Shepherd Queen of the World despises having her paws get wet, thebiggest crisis in her life will be if it starts raining on the couch.

  8. over 10 years ago on Prickly City

    He finally remembered that third department of government he wanted to eliminate, the Justice Department

  9. almost 11 years ago on Prickly City

    That’s right the young don’t need health insurance. Until they get cancer. Or have a problem pregnancy. Or a drug problem. Or get in a car accident. Or break a bone. Or thousands of other things and can’t pay for any of them. The truth is they need insurance but are less likely to use it. But that truth doesn’t sound as good in a rant does it?

  10. over 11 years ago on Prickly City

    I am afraid, afraid this strip will never be funny again