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So, is the “dog” a grandchild or pet?
I went to my 25th three years ago and was shock at how many of my classmates had passed.
Isn’t he married to a chicken ?
WOW Grandpa, I didn’t know you spoke Spanish!
@pcolli Most Asian markets here in California sell durian ice cream as-well as whole durian fruit. a lot of those bubble tea place have a durian drink on the menu. My wife SEA it’s in her DNA to eat it.
My wife keeps durian ice cream freezer, I won’t touch it with a ten foot wooden spoon but she loves it.
Well, only two things that come out of Texas, Steers and friends of Dorothy.
That’s why you clip them to your belt… duh
That pig looks far too happy to be working at a restaurant called “smokey oink bbq” :P
Or pops a beer and turns on the Price is Right.
So, is the “dog” a grandchild or pet?