The water fountains they have for cats these days are really snazzy. The storage tank forms the base for the rectangular ‘bowl’, and it has a pump to recycle the water continually. Constant, fresh water for your beloved kitty. I had one for Truder and I upgraded it to a newer, larger model about 4 months before he passed. I don’t have a kitty now (sister-in-law allergic) but if you have the $$ it’s worth it.
For having a massive heart attack at his age he sure looks healthy and fit. Good for time shift, like 1 year later, but I don’t get the feeling there’s been a time shift. As for the beard, my husband was bearded at intervals, once past the stubble stage it doesn’t hurt. It can even feel nice.
I fully agree, sincavage. Even when I was just starting to vote all these eons go I strongly felt if you don’t vote, you can’t complain. And I intend to complain about whoever’s in the office until they stop giving illegals more $$ and services than our own starving poor.
If it rips and he fits, he sits.