Sweet taffy

Quabaculta Free

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  1. 3 days ago on Thatababy

    Thelma and Louise, Godzilla, The Hindenburg. Those are pretty decent disaster movies.

  2. 3 days ago on The Lockhorns

    I’m right there with you. It’ll be 10 days before my deposit hits the bank.

  3. 4 days ago on FurBabies

    He is. He’s the curator of that fancy museum that other doctors pass through.

  4. 4 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    And that’s what shows the difference between poetry and play/film pieces. The poetry was good, but the recent version of ’Cat’s was excellent, IMHO. I loved Mr. Mistoffelees and his growth from a fumbling magician to a more mature actual magician (or sorcerer). Grizzabella and Old Deuteronomy were very good, too. Oh heck! I just love cats, and miss my furchild badly (can’t have one, s-in-l is allergic and it is her house) And no, I didn’t give him to a shelter, he died in my arms peacefully as I slept in the recliner about 3 months before the move. I guess he saw the packing and didn’t want to have his old bones dragged along yet again.

  5. 4 days ago on Cathy Classics

    Hmmm. 22 years fast forward I’d guess it would be closer to $2000

  6. 4 days ago on FurBabies

    Yes, he of the long, long scarf and silly hat (IMHO) who always had a smile even when threatened, and he would offer a jelly baby. Tom Baker was the one who could make it appear he was in excruciating pain at the flick of a switch. Lo these many eons past I attended science fiction/fantasy conventions, and there was a portion that made films. One popular genre was ‘pain’, and they would stitch together moments of the Doctor’s reaction to this ray or that flashing colored light which meant it was a device affecting his nervous system or his mind. And I’m sorry if it is mean and cruel, but I laughed at that. It was the faces he made while being tortured.

  7. 4 days ago on The Lockhorns

    Amen! I say Amen!! The government automatically gets a % of my paycheck to put into ‘Social Security’ to provide to me when I retire. But the government acts like it is a ‘handout’ graciously bestowed upon them by the government. You can’t have it two ways. Either I have ‘given’ the government my money to be held for my retirement, and they use that money to make more money (interest) and then, in theory, get back enough to reasonably live a decent life. I have not spent 45 years of my life giving to good old Uncle Sam and then when I retire to partake in the fruits of my labor the government has the gall to say I’m taking a handout I don’t deserve. Grrrrrrr!

  8. 4 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    I really graduated. Up to 160+ colored pencils, some with softer cores and some with hard cores. Let’s not talk about the gel pens……….

  9. 5 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    When I first got online lo these many years ago (1999) I had been hearing scary things about the internet. I got on a hearts game and it was good fun. My screen name could be male or female. When asked my age I would say I’m as young as tomorrow but as old as yesterday. One guy kept insisting I was male and I just out to admit it. I refused, politely, but he persisted. My last day on the Hearts game he said ‘You should just admit it, you’re gay’. I stared at the keyboard about 5 minutes, wondering how I elicited that response, then exited the game. I haven’t been back since

  10. 6 days ago on Wannabe

    music Oh Lord it’s hard to be humble/when you’re perfect in every way./Each time I look in the mirror/I get better looking each day./To know me is to love me/I must be a hell of a (man or gal)!/Oh Lord it’s hard to be humble/but I’m doing the best that I can. end music