Sweet taffy

Quabaculta Free

love comics

Recent Comments

  1. about 16 hours ago on Thatababy

    Did it have 4 on the floor and the 5th down under the seat?

  2. about 16 hours ago on Lio

    Even Death needs to take time off. Unfortunately there’s always an apprentice to take over short term.

  3. about 16 hours ago on ViewsAmerica

    Both of the are liars. That’s why I believe we should vote all the b——-ds out and get term limits—-ONE TERM ONLY. An elected position is not and should not be a permanent position. That’s my stand for at least 30 years or more. And in each race I choose the person I think will do the job best, I don’t look at donkeys or elephants or such.

  4. 5 days ago on ViewsAmerica

    That will definitely NOT silence Trumpet.

  5. 5 days ago on FurBabies

    I love the way you depict the glow of the TV in a darkened room. And she is a mite too close to the TV, I remember my mother always scolding me for sitting too close to the TV. Of course my myopic eyes may have been the cause, it was 3rd grade before my visual difficulties were finally noted.

  6. 7 days ago on @Tavicat

    And now Pippin sleeps in blissful awareness that the answer has been given and it is her.

  7. 7 days ago on Cul de Sac

    My advice is also to duck out on the next exit and turn head homewards. The upset of the kids will be the same whether they get to the zoo after suffering hours of traffic delays or the wailing as Miss Bliss rightfully returns home.

  8. 7 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I am still growling at the sight of poor Sophie all alone in the all white living room. Dark stripes on lighter but still dark fur, how dare they be upset if they come in and she has shed all over the place because of the horror of being catnapped from her loving home? It is not a crime to fall out of a screened window fur cryin’ out loud! I just want to shred that netting and free Sophia from her torment. And I say ‘Shame upon thee and thine’ to the cruel couple. ‘Pity it be that catnapping is not a crime punishable by law. You may have not physically harmed yon beast, but mentally thy decision hast caused intolerable distress to one of God’s creatures. Shame, shame and more shame be heaped on thine heads, hand and feet as thou dost sit in the stocks with thine a$$ in the excrement filled mud!"

  9. 13 days ago on @Tavicat

    Along with being cuter than sin Pippin is such a naive, gentle soul, a perfect match with Fargo but triggering worldly Pippi’s annoyance factor.

  10. 15 days ago on ViewsAmerica

    I love the look on Lady Liberty’s face. If the strip had gone a bit further down I think we would be treated to a wrinkled nose, too.