I was watching Terry Pratchett’s “Hogfather” the other night, and there was this little conversation between DEATH and his granddaughter Susan.D: Her letter says she’s five.S: She’s seven… but about 35 in cynicism.D: She says she was “nice”.S: She’ll say anything if there’s a dolly in it for her.
Indeed, excusing the thief-in-chief for robbing the White House of government property (documents), inciting riot and assault on the Capitol, attempting to suborn state officials into criminal acts, etc. is “lawfare”…
Ye old “Lies, d*m* lies and statistics”. Inflation in every country in the world, but somehow it’s Biden’s fault… Also, inflation was higher under Reagan than Biden. High gas prices? Blame Trump’s deal with OPEC to slash petroleum supplies, and Trump’s buddy Putin invaded Ukraine. Wasteful spending? I lost my job to COVID, as did MANY others. I was grateful for a handout to tide me over. I put blame for inflation where it belongs: corporate greed seizing on every thin excuse to jack up profits. Prices are high because PROFITS are at record levels. What may have started as a supply constriction, quickly became a massive cash grab.
Can I possibly express how little “cultural appropriation is EEEvil” matters to me? Absolutely everyone, throughout all of history, has done it. It’s right down there with keeping English (possibly the most polyglot language ever) “pure” like the French attempt to do. So some other culture has a fun festival; the more the merrier!
I was watching Terry Pratchett’s “Hogfather” the other night, and there was this little conversation between DEATH and his granddaughter Susan.D: Her letter says she’s five.S: She’s seven… but about 35 in cynicism.D: She says she was “nice”.S: She’ll say anything if there’s a dolly in it for her.