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- over 13 years ago on Wizard of Id
almost 14 years ago
on Wizard of Id
well, lew… i would love to meet a dr. who has to work 100 hours a week to make 250k a year. HE’D be charging a normal fee. but the drs. today are charging 500$+ per 2 mins of their time working at the hospital (which i was actually charged - 585$ by 2 different dr.s who only spoke to me 2 mins and NEVER touched me and well yeah, maybe they looked at the monitor once or twice) that equals 15,000$ an hr. correct? so by my calculations he’d have to work aprx what… 17 hrs? - the poor baby. and what do they charge for office visits? i was charged double when i was there 10 mins over my allotted 15min visit. also, while at the hospital, (i was there 12 hrs. - again only talked to me for 2 mins.) i was left alone. i got no sleep because of all the noise… not because they were working on patients… they were playing a game & the laughter was so loud i couldn’t get any sleep. but for that 12 hrs. i was charged aprx 12,000$. that did include 2 xrays and a crappy breakfast. i made below poverty level for the year. were we able to take any portion of my med. bills off of our taxes? NO. we DID have to pay well over 2,000. i don’t mind paying my share… but it would be nice if everyone else did too. how can any family take care of every med. expense that comes up these days… body, eyes, teeth, it just can’t be done anymore. all you hear these days is that med. costs are going up.. why is that? why are dr.s (and lawyers etc…) allowed to charge exorbitant fees? yes, they save lives and help with legal issues, but when they can charge thousands for almost nothing… its pure greed. that is the only explanation i can come up with. i’d be MORE than happy to make 250,000 a year and pay the taxes on it. how much $ does any one person need? i’d like to hear what people like oprah, gates, trump, etc… have to say about that. and those companys that don’t pay taxes… thats because they don’t mind spending millions to be able to avoid paying taxes. so why don’t they just pay the tax $ and be thankful for what they are blessed with?
over 14 years ago
on Wizard of Id
Oh, that’s the king?
I thought it was his MOTHER-IN-LAW!!!!
over 15 years ago
on Wizard of Id
And put it on “Lay-a-way” …
over 15 years ago
on Wizard of Id
people always seem to have enough money for their cigarettes, booze, weed etc… but not enough for anything else
over 15 years ago
on Momma
that’s because prices keep going UP
over 15 years ago
on Ziggy
maybe he wears flesh colored tights?
over 15 years ago
on Momma
Hey Macush… in Michigan you still don’t have to dial the area code in some cities… but you do in Detroit… even if you’re calling your neighbor!!
over 15 years ago
on For Better or For Worse
I think it has more to do with the old saying “Man works from sun to sun but woman’s work is NEVER done!” Elly has a lot more work to do - with the house and kids - then he does… she never gets a break from it all really - she’s TIRED !! duh!
over 15 years ago
on Momma
What a STUPID thing to brag about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
repackage it and call it anti-mother-in-law cream