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This cartoon is based on Norman Rockwell’s “Freedom From Want” Thanksgiving painting.
“Minst” is actually Minsk. The last letter is a “k”, which looks a lot like a “t” in the Fraktur font.
I I had nine diapers to change, I’d break out the fire hose, too.
No Sunday strip this week?
Not always. Sometimes they’re under a volcano.
Watch out for the grue.
“I like nonsense, if any of you haven’t figured that out yet.”
Funny, I never figured you for a fan of the writings of Palin/Bachmann. :@)
I would have thought Her Maj would have said, “Did we leave the AGA on?”
The New Adventures of Queen Pants?
Every NBA city AND Detroit?
This cartoon is based on Norman Rockwell’s “Freedom From Want” Thanksgiving painting.