Freshly fallen snow is a magical layer of white that muffles all the sounds and makes the world look clean and new. It also makes a very dark winter into a light filled space.
Dryer balls are great if you wash your pillows and then dry them in the dryer. I don’t have any dryer balls but I do have massage balls so I just put them in socks for the drying process.
Happy Anniversary, remember that you can make up your own special markers for anniversaries – for instance the 10th can be the ice cream anniversary, or the 20th could be the pizza anniversary.
When I get nervous before a competition and can’t sleep, I will do my competition set in my head. I do kettlebell sport lifting so it is a 10 minute set of doing the same movement.
It would be Snoopy and Woodstock on top of Snoopy’s doghouse.