I don’t think Georgia ever really explained her name. She didn’t mention her name when recounting her fling with Wicket on 2016/06/27. When we saw her as a working reporter during the July Bug’s trial, she was “Mouse” (starts 2021/07/07), but again no explanation, although she is/was a medium grey.
Georgia’s said (on Facebook recently, with a photo of OZ and Goldie napping together) that Goldie’s the biggest of her cats while Ora Zella’s the smallest. Elvis has always been drawn as bigger than Lupin or Puck.
They’re rarer due to difficulties with providing the chyrons on dailies, since Gatos Noticias broadcasts in Spanish. We did get a special report from them on tiny decorative pumpkins starting last September (starts 2024/09/16).
I don’t think Georgia ever really explained her name. She didn’t mention her name when recounting her fling with Wicket on 2016/06/27. When we saw her as a working reporter during the July Bug’s trial, she was “Mouse” (starts 2021/07/07), but again no explanation, although she is/was a medium grey.