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DoctorLarryO Free

Aging and not very attractive. But don't care, either!

Recent Comments

  1. over 4 years ago on The Elderberries

    Does anyone know why we have gone back to the beginning?

  2. almost 10 years ago on The Elderberries

    Depends on how they are cooked. In the South we had ‘critter-dinners.’ Krakyahead (first poster) would not approve, but it was tasty. And this comic was funny.

  3. almost 10 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Doctoral dissertation. No computer, no word processor. Just an electric typewriter. 300+ pages. Footnoted, bibliography, the whole thing. You were allowed 5 spelling mistakes for the whole thing and no grammar mistakes. Each spelling mistake took points away. I DO NOT miss those days.

  4. about 10 years ago on Frazz

    As it builds, I’m guessing “Moby Dick.”

  5. over 10 years ago on Last Kiss

    pcolli, you are obviously not a child of the 1950s. The single tooth was very common then as a result of atomic bomb testing. Those of us who could afford it had our tooth separated into teeth late. Whenever I eat corn n the cobb I rally miss the single tooth.

  6. over 10 years ago on Tank McNamara

    I’m not sure they ever got to ‘item’ level and I don’t think she can fire him……..This comic always entertains, but now I am intrigued.

  7. over 10 years ago on Tank McNamara

    Browns uniform or not, it’s still Johnny Football.

  8. over 10 years ago on Last Kiss

    TXPAScot, check the original. Wings are in the right place there and you will find his name is ‘Hap.’ What is that short for?

  9. over 10 years ago on Last Kiss

    TXPAScot, check the original. Wings are correct there. And, believe it or not, the guy’s name is Nap.

  10. over 10 years ago on The Elderberries

    No, actually, since it is the IRS it probably means Dusty claimed to have donated $500 to the Old Cowboy’s Home as a donation to a non-profit. He is trying to cheat the IRS.