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“Tan me hide when I’m dead, Fred…”
Ummm! I’m telling! That’s a major HIPAA violation.
Yes, perhaps youre right. I hope that is his motivation.
This is a big part of the race problem in this country. Many people of color are just that sensitive over nothing. This is not a good strip to run. I’m very disappointed in you Mr. Bentley.
LOL. That sounds like one of the clueless Miss America contestants answering her big question when she doesn’t even know what she was just asked. LOL
All about Wally but no skattle skattle. Ha!
That nurse is Marcie from Jump Start!
Great. The cartoonist can’t spell. What a wonderful world we live in these days.
Straightened that funky hair right out!
Way to give in to your crowd mentality prejudices, there Mr. Eyetalian Meatball!
“Tan me hide when I’m dead, Fred…”