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skippy666 Free

A Canuck teaching English in South Korea.

Recent Comments

  1. almost 13 years ago on Monty

    Well annoyed me. Here is a question? Is Monty a political cartoon. I do not mind a cartoon with opposing political bent, but prefer a more neutral position. Plus this is just too overt.

    If I wanted political cartoons I would read the Editorial cartoons.

    Plus a foolish move by the artist. Why insult some or any of your viewers. Especially even if lowballing – 10%. So even if 10 percent of them are turned off and stop caring to continue reading the strip. He just lost out 1% of his readers.

    Considering of dropping ….Strip has gone a little stale, throwing in some political jabs (this and story lines of rich obnoxious neighbor kid who is a caricature of a business/rich people), does not help for continuing.

    And I am a paying customer.

  2. about 14 years ago on Real Life Adventures

    May come of crabby but geeze I feel like I got labeled. See how he is trying to be funny but is more insulting. So what would any “green party/enviromental” people be ahh the crazy lady down the street that has not mowed the lawn for a decade that has twenty cats and keeps trying to have the kids come in to have some Jasmine tea.

    Ya sometimes politics might make a cartoon/ comic strip interesting but their is a whole genre devoted to that if I want to read them. Remember “Republicans buy sneakers, too”. Tea Party people read comics too.