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  1. 14 days ago on Gasoline Alley

    I was originally hesitant about Fb when the group first formed but went to join later and apparently gave the Fb a wrong answer (twice) and was immediately banned for life. I still have a hesitancy about Fb as well as X but will give it another try.

  2. 16 days ago on Gasoline Alley

    My guess is that Jim S. has long forgotten the start of G.A.. Skeezix ALWAYS called Walt “Uncle Walt”. While as an infant left on Walt’s doorstep Skeezix obviously took a few years to call him anything. When it was necessary to formally adopt Skeezix (long story arc) Walt married Phyllis who turned out to be the ACTUAL aunt of Skeezix.

    It is harder and harder to find much Frank King in the current G.A..

  3. 20 days ago on Gasoline Alley

    Bacon is purchased by weight not by the piece. The extra little piece was placed in the back of the package so that no one could sue for being “shorted”.

    Over time due to evaporation/shrinkage it is possible that the meat’s weight can loose an ounce or two so they put that little bit in back so that the package is always at least the advertised weight.

  4. 21 days ago on Gasoline Alley

    Being on a board is voluntary, unpaid, long hours and a lot of work. An organization of almost any size has both lawyers and accountants on retainer. If it is larger they employ a management agent.

    Cheap shots at an HOA is exactly that: “Cheap” and lazy. Most of the anti-HOA commentators here seem to never have been a member of an HOA and have deeper opinions than experience.

    Reminds me of a third rate comedian asking “why do they have that little squiggly piece in the back of package of bacon”? The answer is obvious with a modicum of intelligence and logic.

  5. 21 days ago on Liberty Meadows

    Her hair hung over her shoulder, tied up with a black velvet band.

  6. 22 days ago on Gasoline Alley

    You might be injecting way too much facts and reality into the J.S. universe. Adverse results could occur.

    Urban neighborhood, small city, small town, small hamlet and if we accelerate this (with a shock to the J.S. universe) we could achieve singularity. Very very dangerous!!!

  7. 23 days ago on Tank McNamara

    I start to agree with you, but then I am forced to acknowledge the NBA refs. Nothing can be worse than them. Incompetent (rules of Bball, as written vs as officiated) and corruption (history of investigation, arrest , conviction and incarceration)

  8. 27 days ago on Gasoline Alley

    You might be using a broader use of “story” than i am accustomed to. ;-)

  9. 27 days ago on Gasoline Alley

    Initial reverse lookup indicates it is a cell phone (T-Mobile) located around Durham NC. I have too little interest to spend money to learn more than that and hope that I retain enough decency for my fellow man to not dial that number.

  10. 27 days ago on Tank McNamara

    McCaskey family.