Angry baby

drtom01 Free

The nurses at the orphanage I grew up in gave me my name. I really don't know why.

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Recent Comments

  1. about 11 years ago on Liberty Meadows

    The only kind of man who looks at another man body and covers up has gay issues. No wonder he wimps out with Brandy.

  2. over 11 years ago on Tim Eagan

    I can’t wait to see if the right-wingers complain about this strip.

  3. over 11 years ago on Tim Eagan

    Not even close to being true. I work in insurance and her deal beats the best private individual policy by over 90 dollars a month with better benefits.

  4. over 11 years ago on Tim Eagan

    The roll out of the web page could not have been any worse. Still the web pages are just software and software can be fixed.The demand was thru the roof. At least my daughter was able to get on and get signed up for a policy.

  5. over 11 years ago on Tim Eagan

    In the real world the Tea Party was slapped down and received nothing but scorn.

  6. over 11 years ago on Candorville

    I don’t know if it Clyde in running Republicans game or Republicans are running Clyde’s game.

  7. over 11 years ago on Candorville

    Part of the thrill of Racing also.

  8. over 11 years ago on Last Kiss

    Nowadays it really might be a hint to the guy.

  9. over 11 years ago on Skin Horse

    Considering all Anasigma owns from her she must get one hell of a salary.

  10. over 11 years ago on Tim Eagan

    So politician do try to do goo. It’s just that the get voted out os office for it usually. The first three just keep getting reelected.