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Where is Joe Patterson when we need him to get this strip back on track? The last story was dreadful and now a rerun??? Chet would be ashamed of what’s become of his beloved strip.
I wonder what Max Allan Collins thinks of this return to the moon saga after he quickly disposed of it after taking over the strip from Chet Gould.
Paying homage to Rick Fletcher, I assume.
Lester Gooch, the fictitious creator of Fearless Fosdick and a caricature of Dick Tracy’s creator,Chester Gould.
Nice to see a Tracy cameo in today’s Gasoline Alley strip.
I always thought Sleet was modeled on actress Gloria Graham.
Rufus hasn’t seem to have aged in all those years.
That first panel is the sexiest pic of Tess ever drawn for the strip.
An ominous sign that she hasn’t told Dick.
About time for Rufus to leave the trip.
Where is Joe Patterson when we need him to get this strip back on track? The last story was dreadful and now a rerun??? Chet would be ashamed of what’s become of his beloved strip.