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  1. over 12 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    Here’s a very easy system. First pick a word and number that you can easily remember over and over. The number can be your old high school locker number, your first phone number, your first zip code, your first house number – something that you can easily remember, ALWAYS, and not your bank PIN number! The word can be any word that has some special but obscure meaning for you – something that even people close to you probably won’t guess. Don’t use any word you would use to verify your information – not your mother’s maiden name or your first pet’s name, and don’t use an obvious word associated with your favorite hobby. An obscure word from your favorite hobby is good. Then use the site’s name, but mangle the name. For this site, you could use g0c0m1cs, or Goc0mIcs, etc. Figure out a mangle system that works for you, that you can always reproduce.Now, combined the mangle with your word+number as a prefix or suffix. If your word was rudder (because you like sailing) and your number was 1326, then your password becomes something like:rudder1326G0c0m1cs or G0c0m1cs1326rudder or G0c0m1csRudDer1326(You can also mangle your special word – e.g Rudd3r)All of these passwords are fairly hard to crack with a brute force password cracking program – the longer your special word and number, the harder the password is to crack. If someone manages to crack a single password, they have no way of knowing if you use rudder and 1326 in all your passwords or not. If a thief gets all the passwords from a website, they won’t bother trying to figure out the password algorithm people used to create their password, they will simply use the same username/password pair on other sites, and if the username/password pair fails, just go to the next stolen username/password on their list.This system is good enough for everything but the very most important logins. Do NOT use this system for your computer login, your email password, or for the login to your banking account. This way if someone does manage to “crack your system” they still can’t get at your most important data.Now you only have to remember 4 personal passwords:1) Computer login 2) Email password 3) Bank account password 4) Algorithm for website logins (as outlined above)You may also need to remember 2 more, for your work computer and work email. (even if you have your email configured to save the password, you should still “know” the password if you ever have to login thru webmail on another computer, or when setting up a new computer).

  2. over 12 years ago on Candorville

    The way this is drawn, I see that he pulled over, he’s not actually driving while tweeting. Notice the SOLID white line – that is the line (in California, along the coast, YMMV if you live in another state) that separates the driving lane from the shoulder/parking/bike lane area of the roadway. If it were a dashed white line, then it would be separating from another lane (and he would be in a driving lane).