This is so odd! My son started getting into ventriloquism a few weeks ago and, since then, I keep running into vent references in unusual places! How funny!
I will admit I haven’t seen Jeff lately, but I saw him in “Sugar Babies”, what, 25 years ago? He was hilarious! I am surprised to hear he’s still doing the same routines, but, then, Senor Wences did the same routines forever and he was still funny.
Nothing beats a surreal day. There’s no anger, no frustration, just a stunned “what the heck was THAT?” I could use more of those.
And, yes, I think math hair has a different smell. Probably of chalk (or dry erase markers) and pencil eraser dust. Literature hair probably smells of coffee and whiteout. Music – reeds, brass, or grape-scented cork grease. Artsy hair could smell of about anything.
I actually had to go look up everything this week (except the squirrel, which I looked up that last time he appeared) before I understood what was going on. Though I have no problem with recognizing Blue Boy or Shakespeare or Marlowe (and I, too, think he meant Philip instead of Christopher)!
Man, I must be some sort of anachronism. I’m not even 40 yet! Still, I don’t usually mind being out of touch with current celebrity bad behavior. :)
IMHO, I don’t think this is trivializing anything. I think it’s a welcome respite from all the fury surrounding 9-11 this year.
Thanks, Pab!