Sorry, I was going by what a colleague told me last week – she had been a medic in the Navy and was just finishing some training in my hospital in order to return to the Navy in a more senior medical role. I was surprised, as I thought a medic was a doctor, which would mean she was returning at a lower position. She told me no: a Naval medic was basically a healthcare assistant.
Jeez Holly, how about saying, ‘i’m sorry, we were messing about and it was an accident’ instead of whining that your mother is useless because she hasn’t got insurance to replace the TV?
They are probably being well-behaved because they feel safe…they have been fed, are warm, being listened to, feeling secure, and a reliable calm grown up is looking after them. This grown up is not worrying about their mother so they can feel she is ok too.
How true – IPA used to be a good drink, with interesting flavours…now it’s trendy to shove lemon or grapefruit into them and they are disgusting (to this long term IPA and bitter drinker anyway).
Yes, it’s puzzled me for yonks that many of the characters stand ramrod straight with their arms and hands rigid by their sides. I’ve come to the conclusion it’s just the artist’s ‘signature’.
Sorry, I had forgotten that it had been established that Piro was the oldest of ten children. Evidently at least some of the ‘in between’ ones live elsewhere.
I’m English, and my remark was based on what I was, coincidentally, told last week by a colleague who was a Navy medic.