Although the UK has the same problem as the USA, i.e. first past the post voting where you do have to choose between the candidate you really like who has little chance of being elected and the candidate you can stand and who has a much higher chance of being elected (as opposed to Australia where you can vote for one then the other), you folks seem to have some chance of getting other parties elected. Your government is still going to be Tory or Labor though.
An interesting point about the US Greens that I learned today is that they have no elected representatives at any level of government, so President Stein would be a lame duck from day 1. She wouldn’t have any party members in either the House or the Senate, let alone control.
Particularly at the Presidential level, there’s only 2 viable choices, and voting for any other is essentially voting for the viable one that you like less. Even Theodore Roosevelt couldn’t manage to become a 3rd party President, and he’d already been President. Any challenge to the system would require a lot of building from the ground up. The introduction of preferential voting or similar would help a lot.
I love “THANK’S” in panel 4 having both an incorrect apostrophe and scare quotes.