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Frammin at the Jim-Jam, Frippin in the Krotz worked better
So am I, woodstuck actually. And by that dictionary’s definition that person has a good chance to be very annoying.
on top of legs clams got knobby knees (check the early strips)
Given Peters academic vigour he is well off with C
If you throw those two together you get young Trump
Wars have been fought over lesser topics
he better check – it might be the kite-eating tree..
Every defendant is considered innocent until proven broke (Larsen T. Pettifogger, lawyer)
She’s never been much for listening. Nor for understanding either. It`ll come to her and then it will be Charlie Brown’s fault, as usual.
only topped by the ‘Essence of Wallet’-perfume
Frammin at the Jim-Jam, Frippin in the Krotz worked better