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  1. over 12 years ago on Real Life Adventures

    It’s probably pointless to point out superglue should be kept in a fridge, but anyway…

  2. over 12 years ago on Stone Soup International Sundays

    I recently dated a woman who suffers from CFS. Some days taking a nap together on the couch was considered a date.

  3. over 12 years ago on Stone Soup International Sundays

    I only know Sylvia Earle as the woman in the Rolex ad…. :-/

  4. over 12 years ago on Pluggers

    Yeah… so, what?

  5. almost 13 years ago on Real Life Adventures

    There’s a high season on Majorca? -that place is just a bunch of idiots “dancing” to “electro” or “trance” all year ’round nowadays.

  6. almost 13 years ago on Ziggy

    Well, Zig, if you could get another 9999 people to travel on the same vehicle, doing the same route with you, I’d bet you’d get a good price too.

  7. almost 13 years ago on Baldo

    There is no such thing as an un-ambivalent girl, comicsssfan. :P

  8. almost 13 years ago on Real Life Adventures

    Wallet? -in my coat. Keys? -ditto. Car keys? -on the hook labeled “car keys” in the cabinet. Phone (land line)? -on the wall where I installed it 21 years ago. Cell phone? -within arm’s reach at all times. Byro? -I dunno, I keep a bunch of them around the house so I always have one to use to hand.Where does this stereotype that men are disorganised stem from?

  9. almost 13 years ago on Stone Soup International Sundays

    Just because a small minority like yourself is allergic to the vaccine, Ken, doesn’t mean a lot more lives wouldnt be saved by large scale vaccination. Not to mention the reduction in economic cost as a side bonus.Besides, I don’ t like being sick, so I line up to have the doctor stab at me with a needle each year.

  10. almost 13 years ago on Stone Soup International Sundays

    First day in kindergarten, the teacher wanted to prep me for a nap and I was, like: “no way, I have trouble enough sleeping at night, I’m not sleeping during the day.” I kept flat out refusing, so they eventually called my mum and she was dumbfounded. “Kids are supposed to sleep during the day, even when they’re not babies anymore? -well, anyway, mine doesn’t. It’s hard enough getting him to sleep at night”. So no naptime for me. I only started napping during the day when I was in the army and had to get up at 4:45am every morning (half an hour after lunch).