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  1. over 11 years ago on Ziggy

    I don’t care about liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican. I just wish they cared about their constituents and had some morals.

  2. over 12 years ago on Ziggy

    I love the implication that government is just way too involved in our lives.

  3. almost 14 years ago on Ziggy

    Let’s see, capitalism is a sham, corporations are all evil, WHO can save us? Let us pray for the Second Coming of Obama. He is so much smarter than CEOs and he really cares about every single one of us.

  4. over 14 years ago on B.C.

    We seem to have a natural aversion to insurance salesman… unless they are the president of the United States.

  5. over 14 years ago on Ziggy

    Hey, he’s just trying to scratch out a living!

  6. over 14 years ago on Wizard of Id

    Nabuquduriuzhur, Thanks for giving us your view of things but please don’t make up statistics and call them facts. Life expectancy at Birth in the US for 1890 was 45.2, and in 1920 it was 54.1. http://web.econ.ohio-state.edu/rsteckel/VITA/2002%20EH.Net%20Encyclopedia—2002.pdf I agree with you that smoking is one of the worst things that we can do to ourselves but making up statistics makes you sound like a kook and not very believable.