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Blonde? Oh well. It’s back, and I’m glad. Congrats, Corey, hope it works out.
Dead as a doornail. All done, bye-bye. And thanks for all the fish.
Uh…. no.
Call me when you have something to say, would you?
@maryelle: …. (while they bankrupt us with their welfare foreign policies)
There, fixed it for you.
You’re welcome.
“bourbon-soaked hallucinations”, Mmmmmmm………
@ WyattMute:
O….M….F….G….. that’s funny!! It’s the punch line to a story arc we didn’t even know about!
Is that a shoulder-holstered knife handle I see in panel four? Or is it embedded between the shoulder blades?
Blonde? Oh well. It’s back, and I’m glad. Congrats, Corey, hope it works out.