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  1. over 12 years ago on Pluggers

    It is actually easy to do. Martha Stewart paid attention to how they are packed when they come from the factory and did a video on how to fold them. So simple to do once you know how.

  2. over 12 years ago on Pluggers

    My maternal grandmother always made sure she had Eskimo pies in the freezer when she knew I was coming into town for a visit. Thanks for not only the ice cream but the memories Grandma. :o)

  3. about 13 years ago on Pluggers

    Then you must not be a Plugger or you aren’t into working on your own vehicles for the love of it.

  4. over 13 years ago on Pluggers

    I think that double knotting is unsafe. If the loop catches on something there is no give in the lace and the child, or adult, can have a terrible fall.

    I think they should go back to putting the shorter laces into shoes. If teenagers and young adults want longer laces they can buy them. Most people do not want long laces. Let the ones that do pay for them.

    Or offer one pair of each with the shoes rather than two colors and both pairs are long.

  5. over 13 years ago on Pluggers

    I had a hard time with this one also. It must go back to before the days of VCRs when taping a show with a movie camera and then showing it would have been illegal.

  6. about 15 years ago on Pluggers

    We went to the Golden Corral for Thanksgiving near where we live and the food was very good. The turkey was moist and the mashed potatoes are real. There were lots of people there enjoying their meals also. No stress, no dirty dishes, no messy kitchen and no drama.

    No Taco Bell for us. They almost killed my mom with food poisoning several years ago. Same thing for Subway but it was bad mayo instead of bad sour cream. She ended up in the local E.R. both times. We don’t go near either one since then.

  7. about 15 years ago on Pluggers

    Todd, that might be true. But Pluggers are also the ones that will have stashed those savings to care for themselves in their golden years just like the ant in the story.

    While the want-to-go-quick grasshoppers will be working until they die because they won’t take the time to save money where they can.

    Pluggers were brought up by parents and grandparents that lived through a depression or two. They know what is important, financial security.

  8. over 15 years ago on Pluggers


    Been there and done that. After both of my brothers moved out I was the designated lawn mowing child while I lived at home. A reel type push mower and had to use the old fashioned grass clippers. Dad would not buy a power mower. Then I left and he went right out and bought not only a power mower but a string trimmer.

    My husband and I took over mowing/trimming at their house for nine years with our riding mower and gas powered string trimmer until they both passed away and the house sold.

  9. over 15 years ago on Pluggers

    It’s funny ‘cause it’s true. :o)~

  10. over 15 years ago on Pluggers


    My guess is that he is looking that the stick figures of humans that the grandchild drew and signed.